All employees should be familiar with the disaster plans and safety procedures to assist in the event of a power outage. This includes the following steps:
1. In the event that the building loses power for more than five minutes, the Office Lead and/or Switchboard Operator checks the circuit breaker.
2. If the power is restored by tripping the breaker, the Office Lead records the time and date of the power outage, as well as any additional action that was needed in restoring power. Patient care should continue as scheduled unless otherwise informed by the Office Lead.
3. If the power is not restored by tripping the breaker, the Office Lead and/or Switchboard Operator notifies all employees to continue patient care as regularly as possible. Instruct patients to safely leave the building via the stairway, if able.
4. The Switchboard Operator calls PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) to determine the possible cause and length of the power outage. In the event that PG&E is unaware of the power outage, lock the office doors, and post a sign requesting patients knock for assistance.